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Tylor, E. B. (1879) The history of games, The Fortnightly Review, 25, 735–747. Reprinted in Avedon & Sutton-Smith 1971, 63–76.
Van Binsberge, W. (n.d.) Board-games and divination in global cultural history, shikanda.net/ancient_models/gen3/mankala/mankala1.htm.
Villegas, F. R. (2007) Experimental Number Theory, Oxford University Press.
Voltaire (1764) A Philosophical Dictionary. Walsh, D., The probability of a tie in three candidate race, http://frank.mtsu.edu/-dwalsh/3votetie.gif [retrieved 28 Oct. 2009].
Weisstein, E. W. (2006) Hofstadter-Conway $10,000 Sequence, MathWorld, mathworld.wolfram.com.
Wells, D. G. (1976) Guerilla, boardgame, Ariel, UK.
Wells, D. G. (1979) Checkpoint: Danger boardgame, Ideal in USA and (as Galaxis, in 1980) by Ravensburger in Germany.
Wells, D. G. (1979) Recreations in Logic, Dover.
Wells, D. G. (1980–1983), The Problem Solver, 8 issues.
Wells, D. G. (1982–1984) Can You Solve These? (Books 1, 2 & 3) Tarquin Publications.
Wells, D. G. (1986/1998) The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers (1st edn. 1986, 2nd revised edn. 1998).
Wells, D. G. (1987) Mathematics through Problem Solving, Blackwell. Re-edited and republished as Problem Solving for National Curriculum Mathematics Blackwell, (1990).
Wells, D. G. (1988) Hidden Connections, Double Meanings, Cambridge University Press.
Wells, D. G. (1988) Which is the most beautiful? The Mathematical Intelligencer, 10–4, 30–1.
Wells, D. G. (1990) Are these the most beautiful? The Mathematical Intelligencer, 12–3, 37–41.
Wells, D. G. (1991a) The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry, Penguin.
Wells, D. G. (1991b) Games as a metaphor for mathematics, Discussion Group on the Philosophy of Mathematics, British Congress of Mathematics Education, convened by Paul Ernest, 13--16 July 1991.
Wells, D. G. (1992) Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles, Penguin, reprinted, Dover, 2006, as Book of Curious and Interesting Puzzles.
Wells, D. G. (1993a) Problem Solving and Investigations, 3rd edition, Rain Press.
Wells, D. G. (1993b) When is a problem solved?, Workshop on how Mathematicians Work, HMW Group, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 29, 24–26.
Wells, D. G. (1995) You are a Mathematician: a Wise and Witty Introduction to the Joy of Numbers, Penguin (and Wiley 1997).
Wells, D. G. (1997) The Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Mathematics, Penguin.
Wells, D. G. (2003) The End of Civilisation: Science, Ideology and Irrationality, Rain Press.
Wells, D. G. (2005) Prime Numbers, Wiley.
Wells, D. G. (2008) What's the Point? Motivation and the Mathematics Crisis, Rain Press.
Wells, D. G. (2010) Philosophy and Abstract Games, Rain Press.
Wells, D. G. & Clarke, S. (1988) What's the point of games in the mathematics classroom? Investigator, 12.
Wells, D. G. & Schultz, D. (2008) A surprise with parallel Lines: an exploration that went wrong, then right, The Mathematical Gazette, 92, 162–164.
Weyl, H. (1995) Topology and abstract algebra as two roads of mathematical comprehension, Parts 1 & 2, American Mathematical Monthly, 102–5 & 102–7; translation by Abe Shenitzer of Unterrichtsblätter für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, (1932), 38, 177–188.
Wigner, E. P. (1960) The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences, Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 13--1, Wiley.
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Wolfenstein, M. (1958) The emergence of fun morality, in E. Larrabee and R. Meyersohn, eds., Mass Leisure, Free Press, pp. 86–97.
Yan, L. & Shiran, D. (1987) Chinese Mathematics: a Concise History, Clarendon Press.
Young, W. H. (1928) The mathematical method and its limitations, Atti del Congresso Internazionale Dei Matematici, Bologna, 3–10 September 1928, vol. 1 of 6. N. Zanichelli, Bologna, 1929.
Zeilberger, D. (1993) Theorems for a price: Tomorrow's semi-rigorous mathematical culture, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 40–8, 978–981.
21-point cubic 128
85 Ways to Tie a Tie, The 21
Alcuin of York 3
d’Alembert, Jean le Rond 75, 150
Alexander, C. H. O’D. 51
Alekhine, Alexander 210
d’Ambrosio, Ubiritan 225
annotations 46
Apobates 218, 219
Apollonius of Perga 88, 93, 149, 159
Appel, K. I. & Haken, W. 145
Archimedes 108, 123, 133
Archimedes’ lemma 171
Argand, Jean Robert 201
Aristotle 166, 217, 218, 221
Atiyah, Michael 120, 152, 226
Bacon, Francis 214
Bailey, David 143, 147
Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula 147
Bakshali manuscript 4
bell ringing 218
Berlekamp, Elwyn 38, 62
Berne, Eric 218
Bernoulli, James 112
Bieberbach, Ludwig 226
billiards 164–165
Binsberge, Wim van 222–223
Bishop, Alan 227
bishop path puzzle 33
blind mathematicians 41
Boas, Ralph 51
Board Game Studies 57
Boorman, Scott 45
Borwein brothers 136, 142
Borwein, Jonathan 143, 147
Bourbaki 214, 227, 228
Bouton, Charles 38
Brahe, Tycho 149
braids 2, 233
Bridges of Königsberg 9–11, 43, 56, 61
Brilliancy (Beauty) prize 210
Brocard, Henri 126
Bronstein, David 51
Brouwer's fixed point theorem 28
Browne, Cameron 29
Buckyball 223–224
Bunimovich stadium 166
Cake-Cutting Algorithms 21
calculating prodigies 142
Cardan, Gerolamo 136
Catoptrica 163
Cavalieri, B. F. 153
Cayley, Arthur 119
Ceva, Giovanni 88–89
Chen, Master 173
chess 29–35, 52–53
chess, blindfold 16
Chinese mathematics 35
Chinese dissections 172
Clarke, Shirley 48–49
Coates, Roger 99
Cohn-Vossen 51
Combinatorial Game Theory 38–39
Commentary on the Nine Chapters 173
Community of the Future, The 31
competition 54
Constable, John 189
Conway, John Horton 37, 38, 55
Copernicus, Nicolaus 149
Cuisennaire rods 75, 77
Culin, Stewart 222
cycloid 160
Dandelin's spheres 93–94
Davis, P. J. 123, 127
Deep Blue 37
Descartes, René 65, 115, 143, 157, 159, 160, 190
Dido, Queen of Carthage 168–169
Dieudonné, Jean 58, 171
Dirac, Paul 232
divergent series 49, 111
divisor function 79–80
Dudeney, Henry Ernest 24, 71
Dyson, Freeman 214
Egypt 1, 3
Eight Queens puzzle 23
Einstein, Albert 31, 85, 148, 150
Emergence of Fun Morality, The 222
enri calculus 161
Epstein, D. 143
Erastosthenes’ sieve 64, 133–134, 197
Erdös, Paul 228
ethnomathematics 225
Euclid 49, 75, 90, 93, 134, 227
Euclid, Elements 49, 85, 98, 169
Euler, Leonhar
d 9–15, 40, 61, 65, 73, 75, 84, 99, 110, 111–114, 126, 131, 138, 142, 169, 213, 215, 226
Euler line of triangle 123–125, 128
Euler's constant 113
Euler's relation for polyhedra 115–116, 224
Euwe, Max 47
Everybody's Illustrated Book of Puzzles 11
Exemplum memorabile inducionis fallacis 138
Experimental Mathematics (journal) 143
Experimental Mathematics (book) 147
Fatou dust 212
Fermat, Pierre de 155–156, 157, 159, 167, 207, 213
Fermat's Last Theorem 46, 55, 162
Feuerbach, K. W. 126
Fibonacci 3, 54
Fibonnaci sequence 131
Fine, Reuben 230
Fink, Thomas 21
Fisher, M. E. 71
four-colour theorem 144–145
Frege, Gotlob 73
Gale, David 28
Galileo 50, 60, 148, 157
game (gamen) 219
Game of Letter-Board 76
Game of Life, The 37, 55
Games People Play 218
Gamow, George 52
Gasser, Ralph 26
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 84, 114, 131, 140, 142, 143, 177, 197, 226, 233
Geometria Indivisibilibus 153
Geometry and the Imagination 51
Go 35–39
Go Proverbs Illustrated 52
Goldbach's theorem 135–136
Golomb, Solomon 23–24
Goodtsein, R. L. 76
Grandi, Guido 112
Greek mathematics 2, 60, 96, 126, 127, 148, 150
Gregory, James 109–110
groups 119, 218
Grundy, Patrick 38
Guy, Richard 38, 57
Hadamard, Jacques 140, 226
Halley, Edmund 149
Halmos, Paul 214
Hamilton, William Rowan 6
Hamming, Richard 35
harmonic series 111
Hardy, G. H. 63–64, 133, 135, 141, 208–209, 226
Hardy–Weinberg law 208
Heavyside, Oliver 151–152
Hein, Piet 26
Henle, Jim 211
Heron of Alexandria 163
Heron's theorem 166, 167, 168
Hex 26–29, 52, 142
Hex Strategy 29
Hilbert, David 31, 51–52, 57, 215, 228
History of Board Games 222
Hofstadter, Douglas 143–144
Hofstadter's sequence 144
Huxley, T. H. 122
Icosian Game, The 6
intuition for the abstract 58, 171
Inversion, geometrical 202–204
Japanese mathematics 35, 141, 161
Jacob's ladder 2
Jeffreys, Harold & Bertha S. 153
Josephus puzzle 5
Joxe, Louis 221
Julia set 211
Kac, Mark 228
Kanada, Yasumasa 66
Kasparov, Gary 37, 84
Kastelyn, P. W. 71
Kepler, Johannes 60, 149, 167, 184
Kiepert, Ludwig 127
Klein, Felix 55, 226, 228
Kline, Morris 113
knight tours 12–16, 61
knots 2, 217, 231–233
Koltanowski 16, 40
Kowa, Seki 161
Lasca 31
Lakatos, Imre 117
Lasker, Emanuel 31
Lehman R. S. 136
Leibnitz, G. W. 11, 54, 109–110, 112, 152, 161, 207, 217, 226
Lemoine, Emile 126
Leonardo da Vinci 189, 217
Levy, S. 143
Liber Abaci 3
Lionnais, François Le 211
Liouville, Joseph 75, 80–81
Listing, Johann 233
Littlewood, J. E. 135, 141, 147, 213
Liu Hui 173, 180
Longchamps, G. de 127
Loomis, Elijah S. 188
Lucas, Éduard 17–21
lucky numbers 197
lucky Goldbach conjecture 198
ludus calculorum 77
Maclane, Saunders 120, 141, 152, 226
Madhava 109, 110
Mallows, C. L. 55
Mandelbrot, Benoit 211, 227, 229
Manin, Yuri 185
Mao, Yong 21
Mathematical Go 38, 62
Mathematician's Apology, A 63
Matsuzaki, Kiyoshi 77
Maupertuis, Pierre de 167
Mehen, game of 1
Menelaus 89
Merchant's Problems 6
Mersenne number 20
Methods of Mathematical Physics 153
minimal surface 195
Morin, Bernard 41
Murray, Harold 222
Nagel, Christian 127, 128
Napoleon's theorem 128, 173–175
Nash, John 26–28
Neuberg, Joseph 127
Neumann, John von 58–59, 162, 212, 213, 220
Newell Alan 37
Newton, Issac 54–55, 60, 109, 143, 149, 160, 167, 168, 207, 226
Nichomachus 177, 180
Nine Men's Morris 25–26, 52, 62, 142
nine-point circle 126
Noether, Emmy 31, 141
normal numbers 66
ocean plait 232
odd perfect numbers 98
Oldenburg, Henry 207
On divergent series 112
On the quadrature of the parabola 108
optics 162
Oranges and Lemons 220
Oresme, Nicholas 110, 111–114
Papert, Seymour 230
Pappus 169
parabola 93, 190, 206
partitions 180–182, 213
Pascal, Blaise 152, 157, 160
Pascal's triangle 19, 68, 137
pentagonal numbers 178
pentagonal number theorem 81–83
pentominoes 23, 61, 71
Piaggio, H. T. H. 151
Plato 148, 150, 219
play (plegian) 220
plinthios 2
Poe, Edgar Allan 226
Poincaré, Henri 55, 73, 184, 208, 213
Polster, Burkhard 22
Polya, George 75, 136
polygonal numbers 176–180
Poncelet, Jean Victor 205–206
Pontryagin, Lev 41
Porphyry 44
prime numbers 20, 133–135